RapKings & Musik & Ungdom

Den Grimme Ælling af H. C. Andersen anno 2016!

How to get young people i.e. Gen Y or Z involved with our cultural heritage? Could one imagine that a vulnerable group of young people from the ‘ghetto’ would be interpreting danish heritage art together with university students? And even be creating a performance together to express their own take on the art?

Well… this was pretty much the project description for this case that I made back in 2016 together with RapKings, Dansk Musiker Forbund on behalf of Musik & Ungdom (JM Denmark).
The genre was rap and dancehall.

Together we made the Denmarks biggest underground rap battle. We had one challenge for the rapper (and also dancers): “Make you own version of “Den Grumme Ælling af H. C. Andersen” anno 2016.
Together with professional producers and business consultants we helped the rappers make a real recording and they got personal career advise.


Co:ZY Baroque


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