Concerto Copenhagen x Solis Consulting


From album release to release concert with a 5-heart review. This how a strategic communication plan with such a clear message that even the reviewer admire it and mentioned it in the 5-hearted review of the concert.

The album Georg Muffat: Armonico Tributo was released on February 18th 2022 by Concerto Copenhagen. The main objective for the campaign and strategy for this release was: what is the message we want to sent with this album?

By looking into the musical leaders perspective and thoughts about the music and the story of the composer, we came across this very touching quote of Muffat:

The instruments of war and their use are far away from me; notes, chords, and lovely musical sounds are my ways. I combine the French, the German and the Italian ways not to incite war, but rather to create Harmony between the nations, and a yearn for peace.

The whole campaign across social media channels emphasized this quote. The quote was in fact translated to 7 languages; Danish, English, German, French, Italien, Russian, and Mandarin. As the last touch the quotes was shared at the concert on the back of the screen for all the audience to see, and also mentioned and explain in program note.

The reviewer Thomas Michelsen from the Danish newspaper Politikken praised the concert and the music - and at the end the 5-hearted review he wrote: “But the words of Muffat himself were the best. The excellent composer was also a humanitarian. He had understood that the future is to blend melodies, harmonies and nationalities. It was a good quote to use right now.”

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Album Release