Concerto Copenhagen x Wednesday Club x Solis Consulting


What does classical music sound like in 2024 if we let the youth (15-30 years old) decide?

The genre of classical music is typically defined based on its contemporary context and how experimentation with expression, music, and compositions has always taken place at that given time. How would this expression look today if we let those aged 15-30 decide—individuals who are of similar age to many classical composers when they we on top of their career.

Concerto Copenhagen, through Co:ZY, aims to explore how young people (aged 15-30) would react if music from their generation were presented on instruments from the 17th and 18th centuries. With young people as co-creators, we will perform music from the Danish charts featuring artists like, but we will present it as if it were music from the 17th and 18th centuries. By working with classical music in forms that young people are familiar with, Co:ZY aims to generate curiosity, engagement, and insights into classical music in 2022 for and with the youth!


Youth Involvement (B&U Projekter)


Co:ZY Baroque